If ever you doubt this organisation is a cult you could take note of how many time fear is used on the audience, not being good enough for jehovah or risking death at Armageddon if they don’t ‘adjust’ their thinking.
Count how many times you hear loaded language, ‘the truth’ will probably be used hundreds of times even though it merely appears 3 or 4 times in the bible- it was not an everyday expression of early Christians. Or loaded expressions such as ‘apostate’, ‘pioneer’ and ‘Jehovahs’ organisation’ - which do not occur in the bible at all. Count how many times you hear ‘encourage’ ‘can we encourage you to...’ - we all know this word really means ‘to pressure’ in jw speak. Keep your eyes open kiddo don’t be fooled by the Washtowel Trick society’s propaganda and indoctrination techniques.
Oh and walk around the concourse AS MUCH as possible.
All the best !